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Hacking on Kargo Render

Kargo Render is implemented in Go. For maximum productivity in your text editor or IDE, it is recommended that you have installed the latest stable releases of Go and applicable editor/IDE extensions, however, this is not strictly required to be successful.

Running tests

In order to minimize the setup required to successfully apply small changes and in order to reduce the incidence of “it worked on my machine,” wherein changes that pass tests locally do not pass the same tests in CI due to environmental differences, Kargo Render has made it trivial to execute tests within a container that is maximally similar to the containers that tests execute in during the continuous integration process.

To take advantage of this, you only need to have Docker and make installed.

To run all unit tests:

make hack-test-unit

If you wish to opt-out of executing the tests within a container, use the following instead:

make test-unit

This will require Go to be installed locally.

To run lint checks:

make hack-lint

If you wish to opt-out of executing the linter within a container, use the following instead:

make lint

This will require Go and golangci-lint to be installed locally.

Building the image

To build source into a Docker image that will be tagged as kargo-render:dev, execute the following:

make hack-build

Because Kargo Render is dependent on compatible versions of Git, Kustomize, and Helm binaries, there is seldom, if ever, a reason to build or execute the Kargo Render binaries outside the context of a container that provides those dependencies.